Case Studies

We place high importance on the confidentiality of our clients and their grant making activities. We therefore don’t include testimonials, nor actual case studies. To explain our work, we present fictional case studies that contain elements of what we have done in real settings.

Giving a Voice to Mental Health

Client Background Matthew and Gemma were in their late 30s. They were part of a very well off Melbourne-based family that had made its money in pharmaceuticals. Gemma’s father Peter had established a large philanthropic Foundation 15 years ago and from the start had encouraged his two children and their partners to be actively involved….  Read more

Engaging in Education

Client background Mike and Sue did not have their own Foundation, but were always interested in education. It started with their own four children who attended three different private schools in Brisbane. Over a 14 year period, Mike and Sue had donated over $1m to those schools. Some of those donations were quite lumpy, as…  Read more

Leading a Reduction in Homelessness

Client background Sarah had been managing the family foundation since her father, Ron Cousins, established it 15 years earlier. Her children had left school and she decided in her early 50s that now was the time to devote herself to managing the family’s philanthropic initiative. The Cousins family business had been based on property development,…  Read more

Building Capacity in Early Childhood

About the client Now in his late 50s, Simon had made his fortune as a stockbroker. His broking partnership was bought out by a large local bank over 20 years ago at what was then the top of the market. Up until 4 years ago when he semi retired, he had continued to work for…  Read more

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